जोन डब्लु वार्डनर - आजभोलि शिक्षा अप्रभावकारी छ । हामीले केटाकेटीलाई आफैँ फूल रोप्न सिकाउनुभन्दा तयारी फूल काटेर दिइरहेका छौँ । रोगर लिविन - मान्छे यदि गरिब घर मा जन्मिन्छ भने त्यो मान्छे को दोष होइन, यदि मान्छे गरिब भएर मर्छ भने त्यो चाही मान्छे को दोष हो!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Meaning of Valentine's Day

Every year we have a special moment on 14 of February. We know that as "Valentine's Day". We show our affection with gifts, cards and flowers. A heart-shaped form and a rose flower are the most popular form on that day. It's because we celebrate Valentine's Day as the celebration of love. The name Valentine comes from a Christian martyrs of Rome, named Saint Valentine of Rome. That was back in 500 AD. Now Valentine's Day become the busiest day for many people. For lover, it's time to think what he/she will give as a gift for his/her love one. For businessmen, it's time to supply the market with certain romantic products. That's only one day in a year, but affect so many people.
What does Valentine's Day mean to you?
Valentine closely associated with love, a special emotions feeling that is hard to described. And you express that love with many ways such as a special gift to your partner. If you are a man, you will probably plan to give a jewelry for your girl, a rose flower, perfume, or a heart-shaped chocolate.
If you are a girl, maybe you plan to buy him a new suit, sport shoes, or sport equipment. Whatever it is, the most important is the meaning that you care for her/him. It is the way to say "I Love You"
On Valentine's Day try to make something different. It can be:
- Create new atmosphere at your home, arrange some flower and decoration, or just placing a valentine's card to show your partner how much you love him/her
- Spent more time with your partner, enjoy watching movie, take a walk in the park, or go shopping
- Make a party with friends
Remember that everything you do, on that special day, do it with your heart. Add meaning to everything you do, so your Valentine's Day will be memorable for both of you. Make that day the most special and unforgettable day for both of you.

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